6550 Beam Power Amplifier Tube Datasheet in Retro Style

Hi All!

This is the fourth work devoted to beam power amplifier tubes, and the fifth work in the continuation of a series of retro-style designes dedicated to radio tubes.

This design is intended for real radio amateurs who create equipment with their own hands and are connoisseurs of tube radio technology.

I also posted a high-resolution image on the Redbubble website; it can be printed both in large format and in small format as a sticker.

6550 Beam Power Amplifier Tube Datasheet in Retro Style

The number of beam power tube cards has reached four and in the near future I will create a separate poster with four cards on one sheet. And when the number of designs with radio tubes reaches nine, I will also make a separate print of nine cards per sheet.

When compiling this card, more than one source of technical information was reviewed. Here are some of them:









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